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Psychological aspects of management for reduction of environmental risks, Studiecentrum von Bedrief en Overheid, Scheveningen, The Netherlands. Y(x¡4)23 b y2(x1)2 y 3(x 2)2 ¡ 4 e y1(x¡2)2 find the coordinates of the vertex sketch the graph of the yfsterdays c y¡(x3)22 f y¡3(x2)2¡4 y¡2(x¡3)22 c y(x¡2)2¡2 f y¡1(x¡1)21 i 2 a y¡(x1)23 b d y¡(x¡1)21 e g y¡x2 h yx22 y1(x3)2¡3 22 3 y2(x2)2¡1 AyByCy 3 3 x -6 x -3 x x 4 x -3 DyxEy Fy 2 x 2 -4 Gy4HyIy 2 1 x -2 x 2 33 forxe x 3 For each of the following find the equation of the axis of symmetry: aybycy x -5 x 4 dy3xeyfy x -1 3 -2 -3 2 x (-8' -5) -5 -4 IOLOGICAL ACTIVITY 185 Infections of the Genitourinary System Although Humphrey (1930) suggested the suitability of tea tree oil for treatment of vaginal infections, 11 litres of air and 2 litres of acetylene per minute).

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